Sawdust In My Shoes
Sawdust In My Shoes
“I have sawdust in my shoes” is a circus term. It means something like “the circus is in my blood.” In 1979 I started writing the book and lyrics of a circus musical. My good friend, Michael J. Pickering wrote the music. Michael grew up in the circus, thus my choice of the circus as the subject of a musical to write with him. Sawdust In My Shoes was produced in Englewood, Colorado, in 1982.
Other than Sawdust In My Shoes this is not really a circus site. I have owned the domain name for years and decided it was time to put it to better use. By clicking on the links below, or the pictures above, you will find:
This is the story of a ten year old boy who finds his true home and of his mother, who learns that death is not the end of life. You will find the libretto and recordings of the songs here.
Willie Watkins, “Bullroarer” Barlow B.J. Jones, Sandyman Barley, Fetch Brandy, Cooper “Rainbarrel” Moonstone, Cat, and even Death. These are some of the characters in The Blue Ox Stories. The only thing they have in common with stories about Babe and her big friend is that they are just a little bit tall.
Here you can join me in my attempt to understand The Constitution of the United States of America.
I cook a lot, almost every night for myself and on some lucky occasions for parties and friends. I like to make up things as I go along. Sometimes I hit a home run. You will find those here. The oldest of them come from scraps of paper stuffed into file folders and buried for more than twenty-five years.
Gregg Butterfield
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Scottdirect—My friend Scott’s site
Sawdust In My Shoes